ECHO: Moving Knowledge, Not People
LSFHS ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) established in 2022 provides an inclusive, interactive approach to connect and empower Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), Primary Care Physicians (PCPs), multidisciplinary specialists/providers, and other professionals. LSFHS ECHO uses the Project ECHO educational, knowledge-sharing model to create a synchronous, virtual network of healthcare professionals to discuss didactic content regarding clinical and systematic practice changes and to review de-identified patient cases related to medical care, social determinants of health, and community services. Project ECHO increases access to high-quality specialty care in local communities through technology-enabled collaborative learning to eliminate silos, collaborate on solutions, and equip specialists, providers, and the community. The benefits are increased workforce capacity by building interprofessional communities that bridge gaps to bring positive change.
Project ECHO is a teaching philosophy – “All teach, all learn.” Changing the way we approach behavioral health as a society is not a vision one person can accomplish alone. At LSFHS, in order to bring a holistic approach to our patients and clients, we begin with bringing a holistic approach to the system. Using Project ECHO, LSFHS has developed the space for professionals and communities alike to maximize their capacity for impact. We increase the capacity for our partnered networks to support much needed transformation.
ECHO brings lived experience into the same room as academic knowledge. Made possible with Zoom technology, the resulting dynamic space allows the voices of experience and information to inform each other. Through education and knowledge transference, we seek to work in collaboration with families and professionals to create realistic and effective changes in our system of care.”
Upcoming ECHO Sessions
Nutritional Psychology is broadly defined as a study of the observable dynamics between dietary intake and different aspects of psychological health. This field of study uses an interdisciplinary approach to examine the psychological, affective, and emotional aspects of food behavior. As a discipline, it includes such elements as food preferences, emotional eating, body perception, eating disorders, and the psychological implications stemming from diverse dietary patterns. Micronutrition has recently been the focal point of a resurgence of research about how to manage behavioral health issues and maintain overall supportive health. This ECHO provides participants with a chance to learn from licensed RDs and other healthcare professionals about how to use their grocery list to manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, post-partum depression, and a variety of other behavioral health conditions. We will discuss practical tools for pursuing wellness with the end goal of providing hope, quality of life, and a shift in mindset from disease management to the framework of pursuing wellness.
The Peer Workforce Development ECHO Clinic – This Clinic provides professional development for Certified Recovery Peer Specialists (CRPS) who are new to the field. While training and certification processes vary by state and organization, SAMHSA’s Core Competencies for Peer Workers in Behavioral Health (2015), “…identifies the critical knowledge, skills and abilities needed by anyone who provides peer support services to people with or in recovery from a mental health or substance use condition.” To support and expand upon core competencies, this ECHO Clinic offers bi-monthly, 1.5 hour-long ECHO sessions. Each session is led by an inter-professional team of behavioral health and peer recovery specialists. This structure enhances the skills and abilities of peer specialists to assist peers in the recovery process, and facilitates connections with other peer specialists who are new to field work. The resulting opportunities to engage in expert-led didactic presentations, present cases, and receive real-time case consultation and recommendations from specialists, allow participants to become part of a safe and collaborative learning community of practice.
How to Get Involved
If you are an expert in the field of behavioral health and want to get involved in our mission to raise awareness and bring lived experience into a welcoming learning space, please click on the link below – we can’t wait to hear from you! Many of our subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are primary care providers, Peer Specialist, Psychiatrist, Clinical Therapist, case workers, Registered Nurses, Registered Dietitians, Medical Doctors and other clinicians, community providers, family members with lived experience, and many more individuals in the system of care and behavioral health community.
Join us for a fun and invigorating learning experience, your voice and expertise are waiting to be heard!
EMAIL: ECHO@lsfnet.org
PHONE: 904-553-0408
How Does ECHO Work?
Using the equalizing power of technology, clinical care providers, community partners, and families can connect virtually to a multidisciplinary team across the world. Each session includes a brief, 15 to 30-minute didactic presentation. However, the greatest essence of our learning takes place during in-depth discussions of real-world cases, presented by participants and reviewed by all. Each participant in the learning network contributes to the discussion in an “all teach, all learn” model, and recommendations for best practice are shared between those with academic knowledge and those with lived experience.

VIDEO: Project ECHO was initially developed in New Mexico as an online methodology to support community healthcare professionals in treating individuals infected with Hepatitis C. It is now a rapidly expanding global network. Project ECHO aims to democratize learning via mentoring and building communities of practice, aided by video-conferencing technology and following its Guiding Principles.