Take Suicide Off the Table: LSF Launches New Campaign

LSF Health Systems recently launched its largest suicide prevention awareness campaign to date.
The messaging campaign was conceived and created as part of an $800,000 SAMHSA Emergency Response Suicide Prevention grant awarded to LSF at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 2,000 individuals were screened for suicidality and more than 450 people referred and enrolled in intensive care coordination to reduce their risks. The outcomes were so astounding that Mental Health Resource Center, the behavioral healthcare provider organization in Duval County where the suicide prevention program is based, was successful in securing another SAMHSA grant to sustain the program beyond the initial funding period.
The “Take Suicide Off the Table” LINK TO LIFE project spans the Northeast Florida Managing Entity’s 23-county area with a digital advertising campaign placed on a wide variety of geographically and demographically targeted web sites. Through November 2021 It carries extends hope and support via expansive Facebook and Instagram advertising.
In Duval County, the campaign focused on the LINK to LIFE program and included billboards, radio advertisements and the sponsorship of a radio show called Songs That Saved My Life. All told, the campaign will deliver more than 6.5 million impressions that urge people who feel hopeless to seek the LSF-funded support so they can take suicide off the table and begin building better tomorrows. To learn more about the campaign, click here.